Early Civilizations

Here’s a sneak peek at our new learning unit in Social Studies: Early Civilizations! 





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Have you ever wondered what life was like more than 3000 years BCE to 1000 years ACE? (i.e., during the time of Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Roman Empire, Medieval Europe…)

What was daily life like? What forms of transportation were used? What did people do for recreation? 

Well, we are investigating all of these questions and more….

What are you wondering about?

Why is it important to learn about the past?

29 thoughts on “Early Civilizations

  1. I have been wondering if Rome looks different or it still looks the same as the past. It is very fun learning about new civilizations because we get to learn about the past.

    1. Hey! Let’s do a Google maps Tour. Mrs. CDR, let’s book a time. Once you’ve studied what it looked like in the past, I can show you what it looks like now!

  2. How did they take a shower????
    What foods id they eat????
    Where did they get medicines????
    What did they do if they needed treatment????

  3. I am khoula,Fariha’s Sister
    I think I it important to learn about the past because we learn what people before us went through!!!

  4. I think it is important to learn about the pass!I think this because,we can learn how things were made and their mistakes!If we learn form their mistakes,we can learn from them,and become a better person!Also if we learn how things are made we can change them to make it even better!That’s why I think it is important to learn about the past!

  5. Did they use money to buy things?
    No.They traded items for whatever item they wanted to buy
    Did they use books?
    Yes.They used books such as the bible and holy books
    It is important to learn about the past so you know the orgin of what humanity started as and how your previous generations lived and how it is different from now.

  6. I think it’s important to learn about to the past to see how their mistake help us today. I still wonder what would happen if all the civilizations their good ideas were put together. Would that be a very improved lifestyle, how would we learn about them separately if they were all combined?

  7. I think it’s important to learn about to the past to see how their mistake help us today. I still wonder what would happen if all the civilizations their good ideas were put together. Would that be a very improved lifestyle, how would we learn about them separately if they were all combined?

  8. How did they make up there languages?
    How did they event paper?
    we learn about the past so we can learn from the mistakes that the people from the past made
    How did the people from the past get there food when there was no such thing is as a grocery store?

  9. I think it is important to lean on early civilization because you lean history and you can see how things were done back in the days.How do people get around with a car, truck or what?

  10. I is important to learn about the past because there could be someone related to you and you might want to learn about them

  11. it is important because we can learn how we developed and we can learn from the mistakes of the past it is also interesting because we get a lot of information of who were in the past with all this information we learned how to make all this technology we learned what they did and how they did it in the past we learned what the earth was like in the past. we develop technology became so advanced because we learned from our mistakes from the past we learned how the earth looked to people in the past.

  12. It is important to learn about the past so we can learn about how people lived in the past and what challenges they had. I’m wondering, wouldn’t poor people get sick if they ate from the streets? I am also wondering, what did the ancient civilizations use as money? Where would they go if they got sick or injured? What was their medicine? Were there doctors in ancient civilizations? What did the ancient civilizations invent? I think we should start teaching about early civilizations in grade 5.

  13. I think it is important to learn about the past because we can see what mistake they did and how they fix there mistake.Its fun to learn what you have not learned about yet. I like how and what they made back then. We get to learn what was the habitat back then. We get to compare the ancient civilization to now in 2016, and in class we get to learn different ancient civilization like Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome , Ancient China and many more. What I learned about Ancient Greece was they had different Gods like God of Water or fire or war or even the sky. We get to learn different civilization everyday.

  14. This reminds me of the trip to medieval times!I had a lot of fun there!There were a king and a princess,a lord,and knights for every team!Our team was the black and white team!But too bad out team lost and the green team won like last year.We were last place but it may be because that we won last year because our school was on the green team and won!Also in the trip,we had lunch there while being entertained by the performance.For the lunch we had:chicken,garlic bread,corn and our desert was a tart!Also in the medieval times place,there were a lot of stores!But the things cost a lots,but there had cool items!One wooden sword is ten dollars!But still ,it was one of the best trips!

  15. Medieval times was a fun trip.It was all about the differences between the past and the future and how things have changed in the last several millenniums.We got to watch knights battle on stage.My mom volunteered to come for the trip.I bought a cool sword from the gift shop.Overall Medieval was a very fun field trip and one of the bests.

  16. In our early civilizations unite we had a trip to an amazing place Medieval Times. In my opinion Medieval Times was an amazing trip because there was a huge gift shop with slushies in glowing cups. Later on we went to a huge stadium and watched a bunch of plays and some colour teams fight with real swords the green team won in the end. After the show i got my hat sighned by the green knight. We saw a man with a real falcon on his arm It was flying around in the stadium really fast. I think Medieval Times was the best trip i have went to

  17. I think that our trip to medieval times was the best trip we went on, because we got to buy stuff like hearts. After we went to the arena where they fight it was acting fighting, we got to eat with our hands. Medieval times was so fun.

  18. Beh, se siamo a questo punto della civiltà è grazie ai nostri antenati che hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro! Io sono fortunata a vivere in Italia , dove ci sono una marea di resti, ed è bellissimo vedere le città moderne con dentro tanta storia. Come la bellissima Roma, molto moderna ma con l’imponente Colosseo che la rende meravigliosa, i Fori Imperiali, il Tempio, Piazza San Pietro……….Taormina con l’Anfiteatro, Verona con l’Arena, e poi Firenze, Pisa, Pompei……….e cosa dire del Duomo di Milano vicino a me?! Wow, tutto meraviglioso! Grazie ai nostri nonni!!!!! Se ne avete la possibilità, fate un giro in Italia, non potete che rimanere a bocca aperta!

  19. The thing that we enjoyed most about learning about ancient civilizations is how everybody enjoyed viewing the exhibit. People got to work together and they got to know other children more because they worked with them and socialize.

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